Case Studies

The Vauxhall, a semi prefabricated EnerPHit

Bagnères de Bigorre, France

Code: CS7

Outside view before the retrofit
© F. Colas Adourable Bagneres
Inside view of the tea room
© F. Colas Adourable Bagneres © Karawitz Arch
Look into the courtyard
© F. Colas Adourable Bagneres © Karawitz Arch
Look inside a hotel room
© F. Colas Adourable Bagneres © Karawitz Arch

Original situation

A four storey non-residential building from the 1830s located in the dense city centre of Bagnères de Bigorre in the Pyrenean piedmont (FR-65000).

Originally built as a maison, the building was separated into 5 flats and now, after renovation, it will be used as a hotel.

Renovation approach

Just finished checking structural integrity in preparation for the retrofit; likely finsihed in 2024, started in 2022.


Renovation approach document

Modernisation proposal

Semi prefabricated complete retrofit to the EnerPHit Standard. The front side will be a traditional retrofit, since the building is listed, with vacuum insulation on the inside of the wall. The back side will be a prefabricated, compressed straw wall (Ecococon Wall). The bottom is being dug out from the inside of the building for a depth of 50cm. The soil will be subsequently replaced with foamglas. New triple glazed windows, heat pumps and ventilation with heat recovery will be added. Also collecting 50% of the heat from grey water.

Efficiency improvement

The planned renovation will bring heating demand down by a factor of more than 20 and also result in an impressive reduction in total primary energy.

PHPP verification sheet before retrofit

TFA existing treated floor area (usable floor space)

250.0 m2

Space heating Heating demand

354.0 kWh/(m2a)

Heating load

114.0  W/m2

Space cooling Cooling & dehum. demand

0.0 kWh/(m2a)

Cooling load

0.0 W/m2

Frequency of overheating (> 25 °C)

0.0 %

Frequency of excessively high humidity (> 12 g/kg)

1.0 %

Airtightness Pressurization test result n50

1.0 /h

Non-renewable Primary Energy (PE) PE demand

455.0 kWh/(m2a)

Primary Energy Renewable (PER) PER demand

881.0 kWh/(m2a)

Generation of renewable energy (in relation to projected building footprint area)

– kWh/(m2a)

EnerPHit classic


PHPP verification sheet after retrofit

TFA existing treated floor area (usable floor space)

250.0 m2

Space heating Heating demand

15.0 kWh/(m2a)

Heating load

8.0  W/m2

Space cooling Cooling & dehum. demand

0.0 kWh/(m2a)

Cooling load

0.0 W/m2

Frequency of overheating (> 25 °C)

10.0 %

Frequency of excessively high humidity (> 12 g/kg)

5.0 %

Airtightness Pressurization test result n50

1.0 /h

Non-renewable Primary Energy (PE) PE demand

26.0 kWh/(m2a)

Primary Energy Renewable (PER) PER demand

12.0 kWh/(m2a)

Generation of renewable energy (in relation to projected building footprint area)

– kWh/(m2a)

EnerPHit classic


Key facts

Building typology

Multi family dwelling

Existing treated floor area (usable floor space)

250 m2

Building owner

Adourable Bagnères SARL

Consulting outphit partner


Project status

Construction phase

Overall budget

400 000 €


Etienne Vekemans
Téléphone: 0145081335