Europe’s largest city network calls for Passive House in new policy manifesto


Climate Alliance, a network comprising nearly 2000 municipalities in 25 European countries, just released a set of policy demands that include a nod to the Passive House Standard. In defining its call to “set energy savings as the foundation of an energy efficient buildings sector,” outPHit partner Climate Alliance specifically recommends that the next EU institutions “promote the use of highly efficient components in both new builds and renovations for increased energy savings, as demonstrated, for example, by the Passive House Standard and the EnerPHit Standard for renovations.”

This is one of the six main demands included in the network’s new policy manifesto, which also covers topics such as energy poverty, a just energy transition and climate justice. With the EU elections just around the corner and a new five-year chapter of policy making about to begin, it will be up to the next EU institutions to turn the plans laid out in the EU Green Deal into reality. Climate Alliance developed its policy manifesto for the next EU institutions on the basis of its longstanding experience with municipalities from across Europe as well as direct discussions with several member cities.

Read Climate Alliance’s manifesto

Photo: Guillaume Perigois via Unsplash

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