Online manufacturer workshop presented by UIBK and PHI


On November 16, 2023, the University of Innsbruck in collaboration with the Passive House Institute, hosted a workshop to talk about retrofitting challenges and how component development can address them.

During the workshop event with over ten renowned manufacturing companies, the University of Innsbruck's Rainer Pfluger explained how modern HVAC units with heat recovery ventilation can be optimised and drastically improve not only the health and comfort but also the energy efficiency in retrofit projects.

The presentation covered existing components that already serve as a proof of concept and showed how these could be improved and be integrated in serial renovation systems. Even further, the presentation explained the correct installation for reaching the highest level of energy efficiency possible. Depending on the climate, a heat recovery system is necessary to get the most energy efficient heating solution possible.

In the lively discussion after the presentation, PHI's Kristin Bräunlich discussed the challenges in manufacturing suited HVAC components directly with the manufacturer representatives. Among other topics, the group discussed the challenges of exchanging the filters, how units need to be designed for sound protection and how the units are best applied in retrofit projects. In the end, the refurbishment market requires many different solutions to fit the needs of different projects. The outPHit project is here to support this development.

The workshop presentation and meeting minutes are available for download.

outPHit manufacturer workshop UIBK & PHI

Meeting minutes manufacturer workshop

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