outPHit's final newsletter now released


outPHit signs off with its final newsletter – wrapping up four years work to make deep retrofits faster, cheaper and more reliable.

Over the last four years, outPHit has made a lot of headway, producing useful tools, showcasing trailblazing case studies, and generally raising awareness for high-performance renovation to the EnerPHit Standard. "The groundwork the team has laid through this project will continue to be built upon in the years to come," affirms Sarah Mekjian, Climate Alliance Communications Director and outPHit communications lead. "There is too much momentum when it comes to high performance renovation to stop now, and indeed, work in this area will only become more important over the next years." With the project officially closing out four years of work ad the end of August, this newsletter will be outPHit's last, providing a glimpse of project highlights from the last 1.5 years of work.

Those who are interested in learning more to sign up for the newsletter of the International Passive House Association, which comes out monthly and informs on all the latest in the world of high-performance construction.

Learn more

Photo: Yannik Mika via unsplash

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