out­PHit workshop: Fast and de­ep buil­ding re­no­va­ti­on

3.4.2024, 9:00 – 3.4.2024, 13:00, Innsbruck, Austria


This work­shop will in­tro­du­ce par­ti­ci­pants to spe­ci­fic ques­ti­ons around fast and de­ep en­er­gy re­tro­fits. What is the cur­rent am­bi­ti­on of EU po­li­cy and your mem­ber state, how does the En­er­PHit stan­dard fit in and what are its ad­van­ta­ges? Which fac­tors are to be con­si­de­red when choo­sing eit­her con­ven­tio­nal or pre-fa­bri­ca­ted re­no­va­ti­on ap­proa­ches? What are de­sign re­com­men­da­ti­ons for the buil­ding en­ve­lo­pe and the im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of me­cha­ni­cal equip­ment? How should re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy gains be as­ses­sed, in­clu­ding bat­te­ries or em­bo­died en­er­gy us­ing new PHPP-add-on-tools de­ve­lo­ped in out­PHit? Part of the work­shop will be hands-on ex­er­ci­ses with PHPP, a free li­cen­se of the tool is the­re­by in­clu­ded in the work­shop par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on.

In the days following this workshop on 5 and 6 April 2024, the 27th International Passive House Conference and Exhibition - the hub of energy-efficient building - will also take place in Innsbruck. Stay in Innsbruck for this unique opportunity!

The workshop will take place in person at the "Tech­nik" Cam­pus (Build­ing 21, HS10) of the University of Innsbruck, Austria, and is part of a series of outPHit workshops offered in the sup­port­ing pro­gramme of the 27th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce. Please note that registration for the Passive House Conference is separate.

Photo: Villanova Architecten

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