The 27th International Passive House Conference

5.4.2024 – 7.4.2024, Innsbruck, Austria


The 27th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce, the world's largest event dedicated to all things Pass­ive House, will take place from 5 to 6 April 2024 at the "Tech­nik" cam­pus of the Leo­pold Fran­zens Uni­versity in Innsbruck, Austria. Con­fer­en­ce par­ti­cipants fur­ther­more have the op­por­tun­ity to vis­it in­spir­ing Pass­ive House pro­jects in the Inns­bruck area on 7 April.

The event offers a wide range of net­work­ing op­por­tun­it­ies, present­a­tions, work­shops and building tours as well as a Pass­ive House component ex­hib­i­tion, attracting participants from around the world to exchange on energy efficiency in buildings.

This year's conference's motto, "Retrofits. Have an impact." sets the focus on retrofits, giving outPHit a great opportunity to be featured throughout the supporting and the main conference programme with a number of dedicated presentations and workshops.

On April 3, two outPHit workshops will give different stakeholder groups the opportunity to learn more about fast and de­ep en­er­gy re­tro­fits, as well as their performance monitoring and re­sults eva­lua­ti­on. The next day, April 4, sees two outPHit workshops; the first one is targeted to manufacturers and planners, and the second one is to loc­al ad­min­is­tra­tions and hous­ing com­pan­ies. Click on the workshops below to learn more and register to the events:

On Friday, 5 April, the outPHit session "EnerPHit renovation - step by step" will be followed by the outPHit workshop "Communication and dissemination for Passive House". Saturday, 6 April, sees two outPHit sessions, "Implementation support for reliable project outcomes" in the morning and "outPHit - serial renovation following EnerPHit principles" in the afternoon, in parallel to the outPHit workshop "High housing quality and energy savings through EnerPHit approaches"; A programme rich with outPHit-focused presentations!

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Photo: Passive House Institute

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