Case studies demonstrate faster, more reliable deep retrofits


outPHit initiative to take 17 buildings to the high  performance, Passive House based EnerPHit standard

Darmstadt, 15 December 2021. A total of 17 case studies comprising 27,566 m² of floor area are poised to show how prefabricated elements and streamlined pro-cesses can help make good on climate goals in the building sector. Within the framework of the European Union funded outPHit initiative, 207 residential units and three non-residential buildings in five European countries will demonstrate how high performance, deep retrofits to the EnerPHit standard can be made faster and more cost-effective. outPHit has now published its first nine case studies online with further details, projects and updates to follow over the next two years.

“While we desperately need to tackle energy use in our built environment, we also need to realise that not all renovations are created equal,” explains Jan Steiger, Passive House Institute managing director and outPHit project coordinator. “High quality retrofits are of the essence if we want to avoid locking high levels of emissions into the future. With outPHit’s case studies, we are showing how to meet the performance of the EnerPHit Standard for Passive House retrofits with shortened construction times and reduced risks.”

Overall, the outPHit consortium will oversee refurbishments amounting to a budget of almost 30 million euros. Each project is characterised by different climates, occupancy types, uses, local construction traditions as well as specific opportunities and challenges. For some buildings in need of renovation, the main challenge is mould and poor air quality. Many are social housing units in which renters are struggle to pay high energy bills while for others, the main challenge is that of convincing the owners of the benefits of deep retrofitting to begin with. A focus on renovation with modular systems featuring high degrees of prefabrication as well as streamlined execution processes will form the common thread.




Katrin Krämer
Passive House Institute  | +49 6151 826 99 25 |  

Sarah Mekjian
Climate Alliance | +49 69 7171 39 -20 |

Photo by Bouwbedrijf Joziasse, Goese Polder

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